Open House Tips for Parents

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We have Open House this week at my daughter’s school. I’ll confess as a teacher it was one of those times that made me nervous but excited all at the same time. 

Open House Tips for Parents for Back to School

There’s so much information you want to share at one time with parents. I think it’s because as a teacher you’re not quite sure you’ll have them again in the classroom.

As a parent, it’s one of my favorite events to attend. You have the chance to go and really get to know your child’s teacher a little bit and also see how they’ve set up their learning environment in their classroom.  

Open House Tips for Parents

So here my take on the ABC’s of Open House Night! 

  • Ask questions!

Don’t be afraid to ask a question at Open House. Chances are the others are thinking the same question but just didn’t want to speak up in a room full of parents. Plus it might give an opportunity to get to know the teacher in a more personal way.

  • Be familiar with your child’s grade level Curriculum before you arrive.

It’s no secret what children are learning each year. Check out your state’s curriculum or core standards for your child’s grade level. You’ll appreciate the curriculum they are reviewing so much more when you see all they are trying to teach and what your child is expected to learn in one year.

  • Take special note of the Discipline Folders, Grading, and Homework Policies.

These 4 simple things can mean the difference between passing and failing. It’s important that you support how a teacher’s class is set up at home.

Take special note of big dates when projects and standardized tests are. Many districts are also using online grading systems for parents to follow, make sure you sign up and follow.

Kindergarten Classroom
  • Pay attention to your child’s Schedule.

It’s important to know how much time is spent on each subject in the classroom. Plus you should know when they eat lunch and go to specials.

Take special note of library day too.

  • Remember the Name Your child is making friends with

Although Open House is usually in the first few weeks, your child has probably already found a few classmates to talk about at home. Introduce yourself to their parents at Open House. Friendship is a true gift at any age and it’s important for you to know who your child is socializing with at school each day.

  • Offer to Volunteer at schooL or even at home.

Involvement in your child’s class can make a huge difference in their education and in the students in the classroom. Fill out your form early and let them know you’ve turned in your volunteer form and are ready.

  • Bring Paper and pen to write things down.

Write down thoughts you have as the teacher is sharing her curriculum and policies.

Make sure you write down the teacher’s email address, contact number, and website if they have one.

Parent Communication is a key to your child’s success!

Open House Tips for Parents

So there you have it a few simple tips to help you build a strong foundation for your child’s school year! 

Can’t wait to hear how your Open House goes. If you have any curriculum questions please email us or share in the comments below. You can always find additional curriculum support on our Pinterest Boards too!

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